Take Action

The action steps found below provide a starting place for you as you contemplate how you, as an individual, can participate in this new thing.


GC 2019 Response

After General Conference 2019, the New Thing movement put out a statement articulating its values in the face of continued harm done to the LGBT+ population. Sign onto that statement here.


Annual Conference

Each local congregation and many boards and agencies send delegates to Annual Conference. All clergy also vote at Annual Conference. You can determine who your delegates to Annual Conference are by speaking with your church leadership and then impress upon those delegates the importance of their support for full inclusion in our church.


Reconciling Movement

Join the reconciling movement through the Reconciling Ministries Network, a group of United Methodists focused on reconciliation and inclusion. Click here to sign their pledge.


Mailing List

Sign up for our mailing list so you can stay up to date on timely information related to this New Thing. You can sign up for our mailing list here.


Additional Resources

Visit our resources page and consider beginning a small group or Bible study within your community.


Send an email or speak to one of the Virginia Conference delegation members to let them know your thoughts and feelings about the legislation they will be voting upon.
