March 17, 2020
The global Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic has re-directed the routines and assumptions of our daily lives. Online communities are more critical than ever before, and we give thanks for those connected via email, our public Facebook page, and our private Facebook group. We pray that each of you and your church / home / work communities remain safe and healthy as you prioritize public health and the needs of the most vulnerable.
In this current reality, the time table for moving forward in creating a fully inclusive United Methodist Church may be shifting. Bishops have made a request to the Commission on the General Conference to postpone the May 5-15 General Conference. Click here to read the full report from United Methodist News Service. Note: A decision to postpone GC2020 has not been made, and though it is tempting to speculate, we await word from the Commission.
While we await news, we encourage you to read Chelsea Morse's new blog post, "We see you, beloved." There is much we can do day to day to continue to support each other and our LGBTQ+ siblings. There are many ways for us to continue to share Christ's love in the world.
Do not let anxiety reign. Together, we remain committed to John Wesley's rules for Methodist societies: Do no harm, Do good, Attend upon all the ordinances of God. We stand together and remain faithful to God and our call to create an inclusive church. We encourage you to stay connected for the journey may be even longer than expected. But we are not alone. Thanks be to God!
Thanks for being a part of this movement of the Holy Spirit in Virginia and beyond.
Grace and Peace,
Josh Blakely
Rev. Beth Givens
Rev. Kendra Grimes
Alison Malloy
Rev. Jonathan Page
Ashley Parker