Rising from the ashes of the 2019 General Conference, Virginia Methodists for a New Thing is working for a changed church that fully reflects God’s love and longing for all people. We lament the continued discrimination and exclusion of LGBTQIA+ people from the full life of our church. We are committed to being a church for all of God’s people.
We are a grass roots organization in Virginia coordinating with like-minded United Methodist groups in conferences around the globe. We are working to inform and equip local clergy, laity, and churches towards the next faithful step. We desire a church which invites more people into the fullness of life in the Body of Christ, so that they may grow as disciples who participate in God’s transformation of the world.
We invite you to join us.
“I am about to do a new thing; now it springs forth, do you not perceive it? I will make a way in the wilderness and rivers in the desert.”